BRP is on the Truck

By Dan Zappone June 18, 2008 1 Min Read

Basic Roleplaying has been loaded onto a truck and is on it’s way to Chaosium.  It’s expected to arrive Tuesday June 24th.  After which I imagine the pre-orders and playtester copies will be shipped out.  That ought to keep the Shipping Shoggoth busy.

Chaosium has also posted the final table of contents which I am re-posting below.

  1. Introduction 5
  2. Characters 15
  3. Skills 46
  4. Powers 85
    1. Magic 89
    2. Mutations 102
    3. Psychic Abilities 111
    4. Sorcery 122
    5. Super Powers 141
  5. System 169
  6. Combat 187
  7. Spot Rules 211
  8. Equipment 237
  9. Gamemastering 278
  10. Settings 297
  11. Creatures 329
  12. Appendices 372
    Index 376
    Character Sheets & Important Tables 381